HSS saw blade can be ground several times under normal circumstances. How many times of grinding can HSS saw blade be applied? It is determined according to the size of the sawing workpiece. The following three details will help you recognize the timing for grinding:

1. Sectional Finish Quality of the Sawn Workpiece
The workpieces cut by HSS saw blades are usually smooth. If the sections of the sawn workpieces have unusual burrs, please check and compare them with new blades.
2. The Sound of Sawing
If you find that the machine’s noise suddenly increases during working, you should first check the saw blade teeth.
3. The Square Meter of Cutting
When the machine is working on a certain kind of pipe fittings, a particular HSS saw blade can usually predict how many square meter workpieces can be sawed. Then you can calculate the approximate square meter to know when it need to be sharpened.